Redefine your sexual narrative.

Purity Culture Recovery

Online therapy across California and In Person in Irvine, Orange County for adults with sexual shame.

You never thought the messages you received from church would affect your sex life.

  • Feeling like you’re “bad” or “dirty” for being sexual or having sexual thoughts

  • Shame about expressing your sexuality

  • Experience discomfort or pain during sex

  • Struggles with being sexual with your partner

Maybe you’re struggling with…

Did you ever feel internally conflicted about your sexuality?

Whether you still uphold your beliefs or have been questioning your faith, one thing that’s clear is how Purity Culture has affected how you view yourself in relation to sex. Maybe you grew up reading I Kissed Dating Goodbye and proudly wore purity rings but despite these declarations, you felt intense shame engaging in sexual activity or any actions that showed your curiosity of sexual exploration. Or maybe you were able to remain abstinent until your wedding day, but now you’re unsure how to let your body respond and experience pleasure after a lifetime of sexual repression, and you hope to one day enjoy your intimate life. Let’s process your Purity Culture experience together so you can feel aligned, both inside and out.

Here’s what we’ll do together.

Purity Culture Recovery can help you process and untangle sexual shame.

Purity culture recovery goes hand in hand with addressing religious trauma. Often, those recovering from Purity Culture and religious trauma exhibit with hypervigilance, scanning the environment around for potential threats, and experience feeling disconnected with their bodies.

It is essential to explore what societal and religious messages were told to you growing up and how patriarchy, hierarchy of gender roles, and control over sexuality shaped the ways your body learned to respond to intimacy.

I believe that a critical part of healing from trauma is through somatic work. Our bodies holds a great deal, and there is trauma waiting to be witnessed and released.

Through therapy, we will focus on somatic techniques to calm your nervous system, practice ways you can get acquainted with your body, and redefine the negative thoughts you have about yourself, your body and your sexuality.

Imagine a life where…

  • You allow yourself to experience pleasure.

  • You experience shame-free intimacy and sex.

  • You feel connected to your body and mind.

  • You no longer carry the extreme guilt for enjoying sex.

  • You are now healing from sexual trauma and learn to regulate your trauma responses.

  • Redefine what beliefs you choose to uphold that helps your growth.

Get in touch

Healing is possible.


Frequently asked questions

  • Purity culture is a set of beliefs and practices well known in the Evangelical Christian circles that emphasize sexual abstinence and moral purity. Purity culture focuses on modesty and being "pure". Unfortunately, for many, this messaging has led many to experience sexual shame, guilt and struggles with enjoying pleasure.

  • It is not my role to sway you to stay or leave your set of beliefs that serve you. That is a very personal choice. Instead, I consider myself a guide to help you with every step of the way you decide to go.

    My aim is to help you heal and process from the toxic messages of Purity Culture.

  • I have lived experience growing up in Purity Culture, and the messages I received made me feel very conflicted with my sexuality, especially as someone who was once very involved in the church. It took me a long time to learn (through life experiences and therapy) that what I experienced growing up was actually a natural part of healthy sexual exploration, not because I was a "bad" person!

    Freedom from critical self-judgment has been life changing, and I consider it my life's work to help others free themselves from sexual shame as well.

Reclaim your sexuality

Reclaim your sexuality —