Reclaim your pleasure.

Sex therapy for anxious adults

Online therapy across California and In Person in Irvine, Orange County for adults with sexual and intimacy challenges.

Do you ask yourself these questions?

“Why can’t I enjoy sex?”

“What’s wrong with me?”

“Am I normal?”

  • Feeling anxiety surrounding sex and intimacy

  • Struggle with orgasms or sexual arousal

  • Experiencing sexual shame

  • Difficulty with telling your partner(s) what you want

  • Worries about sexual performance

Maybe you’re struggling with…

Let’s make pleasure a priority.

Sex is something that people are preoccupied over, yet there is often a lack of good, accurate education about it. It’s no wonder you’re confused with what you learned about sex growing up. Whether it’s from the whispers in high school hallways, titillating erotic imagery, or steamy scenes in movies— we’re not given a clear framework for creating our own sexual script. That can translate to how we view ourselves in relation to sex. Internal pressure to make our partners always have mind blowing orgasms, prioritizing only penetrative sex as the ultimate goal, and feeling like “I should already know what to do” during sex is a perfect recipe for tons of sexual anxiety.

When you rewrite sexual narratives that do not serve you and instead focus on prioritizing pleasure, you can create a healthier relationship with sex.

Here’s what we’ll do together.

Let’s get some accurate sex education and actionable tools to reduce sexual anxiety.

In our work together, we will discuss your life experiences, sexual history, and sexual concerns. As a therapist who values the importance of intersectionality, we will explore how your identity, race, culture and environment plays a role in your beliefs about yourself in relation to sex.

In addition, we will focus on ways to quiet the anxiety fueled voice that often interferes your ability of being present during sex and intimate interactions. We may discuss mindfulness practices and work on reframing narratives. I may suggest reading materials and home exercises you can practice in between sessions to assist in your progress.

I also believe that at the heart of good sex therapy is solid sex education. By increasing your knowledge about how your sexual response works and how your body reacts based on your life experiences, we can gain valuable insights on how to move forward.

Lastly, somatic work plays an important role in allowing you to practice getting connected to your body. We will incorporate somatic work to help your experience of embodiment.

The benefits of sex therapy develop over time, however, with patience and determination, you can build a healthier relationship with your body and sex.

Imagine a life where…

  • You feel empowered in how you want to show up during sex.

  • You experience sex in a way that does not feel so scary.

  • You’re connected to yourself and your body.

  • You are able to have clear and effective sexual communication.

  • You experience pleasure in the way you’d like.

Get in touch

You are deserving of pleasure.


Frequently asked questions

  • No. Sex therapy is strictly talk therapy.

    I may suggest home exercises you can try at home that involves touch, only if you feel comfortable to do so.

  • My practice is primarily for individual therapy. During your individual therapy, if I assess that brief couples/relationship may be beneficial, and in those cases, I may able to accommodate.

    For couples with more deeply rooted issues, I will likely refer out to a separate couples/relationship therapist.

Emotional intimacy is the foundation of sexual intimacy. -Ian Kerner

Emotional intimacy is the foundation of sexual intimacy. -Ian Kerner —